35 Years Experience, 24 Years at Stenham
Catherine is Managing Director of Stenham Asset Management Limited and Stenham Management Services (C.I.) Limited, responsible for the oversight of governance, operations and investment processes carried out by the Guernsey office. She also serves as a Director of the Stenham Funds and Stenham Asset Management (UK) Plc. Catherine held the position of Partner and Chief Financial Officer at Montier Partners LLP from 2000 until the business was acquired by Stenham in 2010. Upon joining Stenham in London, she was Finance and Client Services Manager, and was promoted to her current role of Managing Director in 2013. Prior to joining Montier, Catherine worked in the hedge fund industry as Group Financial Controller and later in compliance and general management at the Gaiacorp Group. Catherine is a Chartered Certified Accountant (FCCA) and obtained a BA (Hons) in Accounting and Finance from the University of the West of England. She also holds the Diploma in Company Direction from the Institute of Directors.